Saturday, December 8, 2012

HW6: Chapter 3 (draft)

 Chapter 3
Summary, Conclusions,
and Recommendations


                       This paper attempted to determine the effects of anime cartoons in the Philippines culture.
                       The research design used in the study was a descriptive method since the converted information came from the following articles collected and surveys gathered to answer the research question posed. The research findings are the following:

1. In the Philippine History, Anime before was a duplicate for Cartoons since it hasn't given advantage though as the “Mecha” popularized among the countries it has also struck Filipinos to desire for Anime.
2. As Filipinos increase for the desire of Anime they continously support another culture to satisfy their entertainment calling themselves “Otaku “ in which based on the “Otaku culture” imitated Japan that consists of Reading Manga, Game Development(anime-theme), Anime art, Anime blogging, and Cosplay.
3. With the Otaku culture, the desire for Anime has made some advatages and disadvantages that has affected some Filipino Anime lovers.

what are the effects of Anime in the Philippines Culture?

Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. Some Filpinos has dedicated their lives to anime and anime culture since there are positive effects to be resulted in such as, Social Benefits, Anime Art, and Multiculturalism.

2. However, there are also a need of limitations when it comes to Anime since there is an unhealthy addiction when it comes to Otaku that can be found negative that affects Filipinos like, Antisocial, Escapism, No time for Anime, and too much Addiction.


After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researchers hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:

1. To prevent such Otaku problems occurring in the lives of Filipinos make sure to plan your time when it comes to watching updated Animes, limit your entertainment to finish the responsibilities, and make sure to think that reality comes first.

2. Future Researchers who are into this study should research on the possible effects that Anime has brought to the different countries involve in such culture to therefore study the similarities and comparison among the countries the effects of Anime to them.


KATEREGGA, MICHAEL  (2012) Anime Thrills: What separates anime from cartoons

MMX (2010) The History of Anime in the Philippines

, Anthony (2007)

The Good Effects of Anime on the Viewers

Kristine Servando (2009) Pinoy Cosplay craze getting bigger, better

 Buntag, Michael (2010) Love is in the Bag Vol. 1

(2012) Popular Japanese pop culture blogger in ‘Best of Anime’

 Wanggo, Gallaga (2008) Filipino wins int’l Tekken 6 competition

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