Sunday, December 2, 2012

Pinoy Gamers at its BEst

Before I had played outside of the house where I played with my cousins and siblings. Ever since that day we always play different local games like the piko, patintero, bahay kubo and luksong tinik. I treasured those times since now with the advancement of technology ongoing in the world it just fell apart. Of course of the different reasons that crime rates of kidnapping is on the rise my family of course would let us play indoors. With that along with the technology me and my cousins would just sit on the couch all day long from too much boredom. Though thanks to the Japanese games with the Play Station and Game boy born me and my cousins had played differently along with the virtual world. We managed to play Guitars in Guitar Hero and Dance in Dance Dance Revolution. My addiction for anime had never felt this good as I get contact in my fantasized world. 

Also we Filipinos has already love the world of gaming from the Arcades you could see them wasting cash for an undefeatable gaming experience. As you can see before we were physically challenged for pinoy games that's why today we Filipinos use brain to be challenge in this new kind of Games. First time I played in an arcade was Timezone in Glorieta which me and my family would go on weekends.

While going on with my favorite "ANIME" I had search for a while with this article entitled  Filipino wins int’l Tekken 6 competition  by Wanggo Gallaga

In brief information:

In Timezone Trinoma held the first International Tekken 6 competition. Five of the best players coming from Timezones in Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand came to win some cool prizes and boasted off to say there were champions of the best acknowledged fighting game.

Since the game, Tekken will now be a 3-D game:

?Tekken was born around 1994 when most of the fighting games were all 2-dimensional,? said KC of Bandai Namco, translating for Katsuhiro Harada, the designer of Tekken. ?We wanted to move into a 3-dimensional fighting game to add more dimension into game play.?

That's why Harada and the rest of his crew came here in the Philippines to show the latest upgrade they work on so far for the Tekken 6: Blood Rebellion. Also they said that the Philippines was the first country outside Japan to get the latest upgrade. Of course the audience was bewildered about this.

The competition brought to our shores Glen Wagstaff and Jamie Joe from New Zealand and Andrew Kim from Australia. Kim is famous for being the top Tekken player in the world, with people watching YouTube videos of him playing. Just playing. Daniel Chua and Carlo Racela made up the Philippine team.

As people from the home team continue rooting for our Filipino team. Since many of the audience had battle the Philippine team they had already seen what they are capable of in making it here in the champions.

Therefore, when Anime was on the rise we also had this Gaming culture about anime that we Filipinos loved.With the gaming culture being popular its thanks for the people who first started it all of course, Japan. I continue to solute also to those who are big fans and gamers of Soul Cali bur and Guilty Gear. I'm great at those games SO ACCEPT MY CHALLENGE!!!! rawr*.

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