Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Enter to the Komiks World

Whenever I feel like reading a novel it always take me 4-5 months to finish one book. Yes it's true...hahaha and I'm not kidding because when I read I have to understand this and that part of the story and then understanding why that happened. Well when it comes to reading just texts it tends you to think and imagine the art of literature. That's why it takes time for me to understand things like novels and poems. That's why  don't think slow readers like me can't take advantage in literature.

Then I would remember the times when I was younger my Mom would read stories to us siblings every bedtime. Though we intend to look more on the Pictures of the book but we still listen to a wonderful story. Book with Pictures I can easily understand them back then though as I get older the lesser the Pictures the harder I understand it. But that's how it makes us challenge anyways.

Then again when it comes in comics, those are the books that just suit my level in reading that takes me in reading it just for one day up to 3 volumes that is. At the same time in reading dialogs, I enjoyed much of the Art it shows. Especially, in Manga those are the comics I like mostly since it's Anime-related. Which also shows the character development within the story also shows the awesome art.

Here in the Philippines Komiks has been also a mainstream. There was a time I spotted a Filipino made komiks that looks like Anime art somehow I was thinking maybe Filipinos are inspired with how Japanese work on their comics which would Filipino youths would love reading.

So I've researched an article about this: Love is in the Bag Vol. 1 by Micheal Buntag

Based on my understanding, Love is in the Bag is currently an achieving local's komiks series. It appeared in 2008 from bookstores that explains:

it's also another example of "Pinoy Manga" - a by product arising from Filipino fans love for Japanese comics and animation inspiring some younger artists to mimic its visual vocabulary and plot conventions. 

Which means we Filipinos with so many Anime-cultured people  they would rather read Manga than the local's old comics like Zsa Zsa Zaturnnah, Darna, and Captain Barbel so on which was inspired from the Westerns works.  That inspired by the art and stories that Filipinos in imitating the same for Japanese comics. That Anime lovers inthe Philippines that would suit their interest in loving the Filipino comics.

So that's why like me I'm also admire in imitating the Manga with their great character development and style of art used. I've been reading Japanese comics for awhile and I realized I also want to make comics like these. It so happens I've been working on my own anime stories with my own made characters. Therefore in the future I wish I could be a Comic artist doing the Japanese comics way of doing it. It'll be like making Manga but by local standards.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Midterm: First Draft of Introduction

Anime Cartoons Impact to the Philippines Culture

A Research Paper Presented to
Mr. Dustin Celestino of The English Resource Center
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
RESWRIT-Research Writing

Renee Louise D. Nunez
October 2012

A. Background of the Study:

Anime or Japanese Cartoons has become a mass phenomenon for many viewers for decades. The word “anime” comes from the abbreviated form of "animation" in Japan. Anime cartoons began in the late 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers were examining the use of techniques in animation from the France, Germany, the United States, and Russia. Though in the past, Anime cartoons was defeated by the foreign animators and was poorly treated. By 1980’s it further developed a new genre “Mecha” and with creative storytelling and character development that made separation from the works of the Westerners. That even made an impact in their career. With the successions of the Anime development it has further increased its fans through the years. (

Anime Cartoons is different from Cartoons, according to an anime enthusiast Michael Kateregga he said due to same endless stories of  saving the universe from many anomalies that westerners have in their cartoons(i.e. Spider-Man and Batman). Protagonists who had been favorite superheroes for decades until this present time they still are the best and ever changing production becomes more exciting and thrilling to the audience. On the contrary, Anime is different it has an epic level when it comes to storytelling. As to viewers they watch them encounter difficulties and how they handle their rivals and their life struggles as a regular person before the story ends. (

Anime attraction has made its way in the Philippines. Currently Anime fandom in Philippines's culture are increasing. Starting the involvement in learning more of Japanese's cultures, Japanese's language, Manga, Cosplay, Anime figurines, Anime Conventions, and Game Development. Until the Otaku term turn out to be an all out trend for people who are mostly interests is in anime even though in Japan its called as a "geek".

Anime has effected the lives of Filipinos. Currently it has affected their hobbies and culture. Since Anime can now be available in broadcasted anime television series and internet-based with fansubs.

Since Anime cartoons are popular from different countries in the world. Otaku term has been an obsessive case in most countries. The part how absurd Otaku are taking part in Conventions and Cosplay with money on the line. Especially when it comes in collection of Mangas, Games, and Anime Figurines. That made Anime a bad influence for the youths. What if there are critical reasons for this affected cases?  Therefore these bad influence doesn't come as a concern for budget constraints but for the effects of desirable for anime.

"This is the crux in the wheel that turns anime. Each series tells you the story of a man, woman, boy or girl, the state of their life as it is, and throughout the tale, you get to watch them change. This is what attracts the anime fan – and what usually has me dishing out more cash than I have business paying – to see what fate lies ahead for our heroes, how they will face the obstacles ahead of them and the resulting impact."-Micheal Kateregga an anime enthusiast.

There are perspective of Otaku s that anime has been a one of a kind entertainment. Although there are challenges that are to risk when it comes to limitations. Therefore, having an understanding about the positive and negative effects of being an Anime cultured person.

This research paper focuses on the effects of Anime Cartoons in the Philippines culture.

B. Statement of the Problem:

This study aims to answer:
  1. What are the effects of anime cartoons in the Philippine Culture?

C. Significance of the Study:

Anime enthusiasts: This research will benefit Anime enthusiasts in learning more about the Philippine's culture involving in Anime Fandom. Including the good and bad effects facing the lifestyles of being an Otaku in their culture.

Parents: This can involve folks on understanding on how anime effect the culture of the children these days. Which can be a guide in helping them limit their addiction towards Anime.

Future Researches: This research can be recommended  for future researchers who are interested in learning this study. Since the beneficial information are given it can be help as a guide for their study.

D. Scope and Delimitation:

This study focuses on the effects of anime in the Philippine Culture. Anime has been internationally popular from different countries.

So this study without hassle, will just focus on a specific country in their local culture with involvement of Anime cartoons. Therefore with the continuing popularity of Anime in the Philippines it will be more significant.

E. Materials and Methods:

This research will be based on the articles about anime and its impact internationally to the viewers. Since the researcher aims to let the readers know the effects of Anime cartoons in the Philippine's culture. A descriptive  method will be recommended since there is a need of explanation in the process.

Next Surveys will be conducted for anime addicts in the Philippines. Relevance that its focusing on how they undertake a life as an Otaku in their daily lives.

F. Definition of Terms:

Otaku. is a Japanese term called "geek" in Japan though for most countries it's pride for Anime lovers.

Manga. a Japanese term called "comics" in Japan.

Anime Conventions. A gathering for Otaku's that has many events such as Cosplay Competitions and honor guests(Japanese bands ). 

Cosplay. A combined term of Costume and Role play.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cosplayers Unite!!!


Its almost Halloween (Yeah....!!!!!)
Guess what will be the treat for the young ones and what will be the tricks that they will threat you?
Halloween from some countries is already traditional to wear scary costumes and going door-to-door saying "trick or treat" that gives out candy to little ones (or so that's how I saw it in movies).

From my perspective of my doing in Halloween is different. Halloween is where I could completely treat myself with some threatening Scary movies to watch for me and my cousins usually a test on whose courageous enough. This is how I celebrate Halloween since I don't have a time dressing myself as some scary old hag or pretty princesses. Though more countries imitates their kind of culture since it kinda gives out that influence of enjoyment to children.

Its same with the culture of being an OTAKU. Usually when it comes to anime lovers its called "Cosplaying" from the combined words of Costume and Roleplay. Its way different from getting a candy as a reward and its not just the kids can join in even adults can take part. Here you will be surprised of the amazing events involving Cosplay competitions on your anime outfits by showing it off and making a public like a celebrity. Cosplaying is portraying the Anime/Game/Comic character you want to be. Meaning its not just how you dress, you also have to act it.

From my cousin's perspective:
Why are you inspired to cosplay?
 because when I cosplay, I want to portray, embody that character because it's either I love or had interest in that character or have related situation.

"Pau-pau" my cousin as Saya Otanashi from Blood+

Here in Philippines, it's still living up the Otaku days. In Conventions where Cosplayers can gather and display their getup to the public. It's something that Filipinos love to those who are inspired by Otaku pride. In this article this will further explain by Kristine Servando entitled Pinoy Cosplay craze getting bigger, better
In accordance with the article, for some people who are really into Cosplaying it usually takes a lot of effort in making a creative outfits and imitating the character you want to be. For making necessary needs of  looking like their favorite character. Mostly fans of Anime/Games/Comic are the ones enjoying this.

That states:
"It's really addicting," admits Pablo Bairan, administrator of Cosplay.PH, the country's biggest Cosplaying website and an organizer of Manila's biggest Cosplaying convention called "Cosplay Mania" that was held last September 13 at SM Megamall. Bairan has been Cosplaying since 2003 (when in his early 20s) and has lost count of the characters he has played.

Many outgoing Cosplayers out there tend to be creative with costumes. Wearing make-ups, contact lenses, glitzy outfits and the harder the character looks like the more Filipinos get challenge. Sometimes for this events some people would completely mistook it as a Halloween celebration. It started becoming a hobby for some Cosplayers displaying their interest without being afraid of criticisms.

"It's like being able to live out the life of your idol, your hero, even for a day. That's like a wish fulfillment," Bairan said. "It's total self-expression, you know. Because if you're worried about people thinking bad about you, just wear a mask so that they can't see your face. And you can literally be anything you want to be."

Though there are times some people (like parents) wouldn't understand Cosplaying its for the fact that it wastes so much time and money for something so irrelevant.  So at least rather than doing somethin like smokin and drinkin wouldn't be it be much irrelevant.

It also says that some foreign countries buy Costumes here in the Philippines from costume-makers like Guy Singzon who was before a social worker now a Cosplay maker."Actually, [other countries] should be the ones to catch up to us because Pinoys are more creative," he said in Filipino. Since Filipinos get challenge when it comes to making creative ideas. When it comes to awareness in the environment that they make costumes out of a pile of junk instead which is more eco-friendly. 

Alodia Gosiengfiao GiJoe
Basically in the Philippines, cosplayers are creative among countries when it comes to costume making. Especially, initiating these competitions makes it more desirable to Cosplayers to compete and make an appeal from their hobbies. Also it isn't just wasting someone's time and money its for the attraction of their creativity. Filipinos can even profit by making these kind of costumes and it can create bonds for relatives and friends.

Since Filipinos are getting crazier about Cosplay they even Crowned a Cosplay Queen with her inspired looks and character style. Alodia Gosiengfiao one of the known Cosplayers in the Philippines. Whose looks are like an anime character and acts like one for a living. She's has Cosplayed many anime characters that inspired a lot of Filipinos youth in cosplaying.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Positive Effects of ANIME

Why do you think some people nowadays smoke a lot even though they are told not to do it ? Everyone knows its bad for your health that can even lead to your near death but what makes people be addicted to it so much.  Do we really need to hear the same negative side effects that's been always given by health experts? even though they say its bad some people still be attempted to try it. Let's face the fact that these bad effect may have a good effect based on the person who does it a lot. Some might say Smoking is something that can motivate us and helps let go off the stress.  Meaning with all the negativity we didn't bother to understand its good side.(But I didn't say its a good thing to do it)

It's like me right now I'm addicted to anything that is anime but my parents told me to be responsible and be a role model for my younger brothers and cousins. Turns out I'm the one who always been scolded for not doing what is expected. Better off, I still look on the good side of things especially Anime. Whenever I watch Anime it escapes me from the reality I'm facing and takes me to a whole new world to experience of adventure and excitement. Though there are other good effects needed to know for Watching Anime so here is an article I learned about The Good Effects of Anime on the Viewers by Anonymous.


  • Based on my opinion, like other countries Japan has many great histories and cultural traditions that we wouldn't know if Anime wasn't known. Until 1980's a new era was created for Anime seekers out there. When Anime got favorable many viewers would tend to learn about their history, cultural influence, religion and mythology. 




Social Benefits

  • Anime convention
    Based on my experience, Anime fandom is something all Anime lovers can relate with each other. Like, in anime conventions in certain countries encounters this sort of events that can really make fans interact and others show off their love by wearing costumes from their fave anime. When it comes to the Internet, people can play anime games and connect to other people on what are the latest trends in Anime and suggestions to watch an Anime.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Boom Effect in American entertainment

Anime has really been a modern entertainment in the World these days. Even back in the days when the Japanese made a boom in entertainment when it comes to animation. Surprisingly it has change much more today every Anime seekers out there are buying Manga, Games, and others things where you can find anything that is Anime.

Since I already had a glimpse of the past in the Anime in the Philippines I want to discover more in other countries. I mean how was other countries effected by Anime. I mean I've seen on TV a lot of foreign people going to Japan and enjoying their culture. So I've done a research about this and found an article entitled Otaku Nation: Anime's Effect on American Pop Culture by .

It tackles here,

1960's - Anime first entered US market. Since Japan's filmmakers was experimenting on Westerns animation. Though their shows never came in effect that Anime before had suffer in the US market and didn't show much impression to the foreigners. Although when Speed Racer was shown in America they had experienced and discovered a new kind of entertainment. That targeted a lot of fans demand on watching more of this shows but it made little attraction to viewers.

Back then Beta and VHS was introduced in 1980's that made possible to some viewers to watch any Anime.  Since it was a time for technological involvement that Anime penetrated the Americans Cartoons that became truly possible. 

Until Akira Toriyama appeared in 1989 that made credible with viewers that stated: "Receiving only a limited American screen release, few saw it in initial release, but the copying of VHS tapes and word of mouth made it something of a cult sensation. Those that knew of Akira were fans for life, eagerly awaiting their chance to partake more and more of the growing trends out of Japan." 
This standouts that Anime was starting to attract more and more. Starting making Japan the boom in their career.
By 1980's had seen a promising success of Dragon Ball and Gundam started: "The explosion of the manga industry before hand, with serializations of works by Akira Toriyama and Katsuhiro Otomo in the early 80s simmered in the youth of Japan and finally seeing the commercial possibilities of these works, creating in the process a major conglomerate of companies in the Akira Committee to bring the massive budget of Akira to fruition."

After that Japan started being dedicated in producing Anime because of the rising achievement. With just simple drawing with more artist working with just one project that makes one episode per week. 

"The ability to serialize and turn a story into something that millions of youths would tune into each and every week made companies billions (of yen) and secured the kinds of commercial sponsorships and funding necessary to undertake incredible projects that would require vast sums of money to complete."

Executives were seeing the effect of the Anime in Japan's potential. Making the popular anime in their local channels like Dragon Ball and Sailor moon.

"All the while companies like Manga, Funimation, and Viz were buying up licenses and releasing little known, untraceable shows that no one knew the origin of. The shows were treated poorly, often dubbed and cut up to match American audiences."

 "The Japanese ability to cross genre and the extremely high production values that started to go into shows made in the late 90s and beyond meant amazing shows that appealed not just to children but to adults and beyond."

In overview of all, Anime in American markets wasn't much desirable in the past years. As time passes by you can see more and more people can tell the newly kind of entertainment that sparked the foreigners into loving Anime. As you can see foreign people nowadays are the firsts ones who could experience the reading manga, game development and fansub animes in their country.

Monday, October 15, 2012

History of OTAKU in the Philippines

If I remembered I was about 5 or 6 where I first watched my first anime Voltes V in tagalog dubbed. I'm guessing the airing of Anime in the Philippines started 90's or 2000. I already knew it was Anime who gave birth from my OTAKUness and a thanks to my dad who favored the Old Anime titles like: Ghost Fighter and Slum dunk. He would change the channel and make us watch it with him me and my brother that is, those were good old memories of mine.

Before, if I could remembered this wasn't much an impact to Filipino viewers cause back then they prefer to watch Taiwanese(secret garden) and Spanish dramas which I wasn't enough related to it.  I was wondering how did the History of Anime go well in the Philippines back in the days and somehow while researching I read this article by MMX entitled The History of Anime in the Philippines .

So here's a brief information, Anime back then wasn't much known however Cartoons was fanatical that had caught the attention of many Filipino viewers. Though Anime hasn't shown its full potential yet and it follows to some viewers as the same level as Cartoons.  Eventually, the Mecha genre appeared in Anime that made a distinction to Cartoons. Like, when the Astroboy, Voltes V and other Mecha genres had been exposed in media. 

It states that:
Why did the filipino people love these shows so much that up to now(even I was surprised) many still watch it? It is because these animes had the elements that filipinos liked and didn’t find in other cartoons at that time.First, these animes had developing plots. Not like other cartoons, filipinos love waiting for what happens next to the character.

That even touched the lives of many viewers that made a change in the local channels. On that point few people had already a glimpse of "anime". Anime got more introduced in a drama version that gotta be a must watch to kids and/or maids. Now that it got exposed the Filipinos grew more to the LOVE of Anime and started a new era for local media.

Here are the channels, viewers rate that was present in the appearance of Anime which can be found in the article:

  • ABS-CBN: Anime status has changed little but for the good. Most cartoons that they air today are anime but their time slots are still reserved for some of their own shows. They still air those dramatic animes. Lots of great animes aired though like Slayers, Saber Marionette J and Tenchi-Muyo.
  • ABC-5: Tried to get in the anime bandwagon with small results. After Sailormoon and Yaiba, no hits followed them. Slamdunk and Miku: the Metal Fighters were among those who got very little attention still ABC-5 continued the Sailormoon series(Sailormoon R,S and Super S) in hopes to get the Sailormoon magic back.
  • GMA-7: The channel that really changed the status of anime in Philippine TV. GMA-7 saw the potential of animes for high ratings ,so using their slogan “We are Anime”, they brought back great anime hits in the Philippines like Ghost Fighter and put anime in primetime slots. We have yet to see other channels if they will try to emulate what GMA did. GMA-7 also aired the ever popular Gundam series (Gundam W and Gundam G).
  • RPN-9 and IBC-13: The two channels who first aired those anime hits that GMA-7 is slowly bringing back today. So far, these two channels have been quiet in the anime scene. RPN-9 aired Sweet tales of St. Tail but without success. IBC-13 tried with small time animes but also to no avail. We know they have taste in animes but only time will tell if ever they will air another anime hit here in the Philippines.
  • UHF channels: Not much to say here. One channel, SBN-21 once aired the Macross movie “Do you Remember, Love?”. Only Studio 23(owned by ABS-CBN company) had initiative to air anime series. Studio 23 aired Samurai X(Ruroni Kenshin) which, to the dismay of viewers, they didn’t finish.
In overview, despite that Cartoons was winning over Anime. It still didn't focus on how much Filipinos view it when it comes to a great plot in Anime. Mostly, what had touched the lives of local people was the overall character development whether the situations are dramatic, action, Mecha and romance. In the end Anime got the Victory. Today in Filipino local media Anime has overpowered that became favorable for the people who desires new anime to watch.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012








                  I. Definition and types of Anime Fandom
                               A. MEDIA (local channels)
                               B. COSPLAY (fandom)
                               C. CONVENTIONS
                               D. GAME DEVELOPMENT (game consoles and
                          online gaming)
                               E. Komiks
                               F. ART (anime)
                  II. Effects of Anime to the People
                           A. Positive Effects
                                     -Cultural Learning
                           B. Negative Effects
                                     -Sex and Violence

Based on my understanding of the article, Anime stands out than Cartoons why so? It's because of the same endless stories that Cartoonists has on their sleeves. Talking about the fact that Spider-Man and Batman have been popular long time ago until now more Cartoons is still about them. When it comes to Anime we watch the protagonists going through some difficulties with different encounters of his/her life. We watch them age, change and reach their goals towards to the ending of a good story or a bad ending.

Anime is different from Cartoons, according to an anime lover (Michael Kateregga) he said due to same endless stories of  saving the universe from many anomalies that westerners have in their cartoon i.e. Spider-Man and Batman who had been favorite superheroes for decades until this present time they still are the best and ever changing production becomes more exciting and thrilling to the audience. On the contrary, Anime is different it has an epic level when it comes to storytelling. As to viewers they watch them encounter difficulties and how they handle their rivals and their life struggles as a regular person before the story ends.



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Anime how is it different from Cartoons

Is there really any difference between Anime and Cartoons? This question just pop in to my mind whenever I watch Anime and Cartoons on Television. I mean these two are both 2-D animated and both also can entertain in comedy, romance, action and drama. So I can't really define on why is it different from the perspective of others. The only thing I can differentiate is Anime came from Japan while Cartoon origin from America. To me these two are both still on a rise of popularity in media.

Then I started browsing in the internet looking for answers to know if there really is any other difference. I found this article written by MICHAEL KATEREGGA about Anime Thrills: What separates anime from cartoons here he stated that:
"The character is the center of any great anime, at least as far as I am concerned."

"This is one of several elements that separate anime from the plethora of western cartoons out there. The world of western animations is filled with ageless, immortal characters rising to challenge day after day of endless obstacles with never changing faces."

Based on my understanding of the article, Anime stands out than Cartoons why so? its because of the same endless stories that Cartoonists has on their sleeves. Talking about the fact that Spider-Man and Batman have been popular long time ago until now more Cartoons is still about them. When it comes to Anime we watch the protagonists going through some difficulties with different encounters of his/her life. We watch them age, change and reach their goals towards to the ending of a good story.

I  do consider the fact I've been watching action heroes ever since I was a kid. Somehow my impressions of it that they are legends of great works of fiction however they're still a non-stop with their same old stories. Though American Cartoonists out there can still make parents with their kids laugh with there funny cartoons like Tom and Jerry that had been ageless ever since.

Ageless characters? In anime there is one character is who I find ageless and that's Ash Ketchum. I guess all Pokemon lovers before could recognize it until now it's popularity also goes on. 

I think he is right about the part in Anime the character like goes on with different difficulties to face while Cartoons you can easily predict the next episode here goes again the bad guy on and on about the same scene. Now I wonder why I easily get sleepy from watching Cartoon marathons.
As a result, I've just realized on why I got so in touch in Anime. No matter what I can relate in every episode also its very unpredictable on what may happens next. It's really what interest me as an Anime Lover on what the protagonist is going through in that story whether is it fantasy or realism.
 Though I need further information to make it sure if there are really any difference. Somehow my understanding was persuaded but how bout the others who feel the same on my first point of view so here are some questions that needs to be answered:

"Anime Thrills: what separates Anime from Cartoons"

Follow up Questions:
  1. What other characteristics of Anime has that Cartoons don't have?
  2. Is Anime JUST for TEENS? and Cartoons JUST for KIDS?
  3. Why do some Families watch Cartoons with their children rather than Anime? regardless if the parents are anime lovers because my parents aren't.
  4. Do some Anime Lovers proved that they ONLY like watching JUST Anime? and not Cartoons.
 With these kind of questions I need surveys to Anime Lovers that I can only get contact with like friends, classmates and cousins in the family. Also I need related articles on concluding with my perspective of this topic.