Anime Cartoons Impact to the Philippines Culture
A Research Paper Presented to
Mr. Dustin Celestino of The English Resource Center
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
RESWRIT-Research Writing
Renee Louise D. Nunez
October 2012
A. Background of the Study:
Anime or Japanese Cartoons has become a mass phenomenon for
many viewers for decades. The word “anime” comes from the abbreviated form of
"animation" in Japan. Anime cartoons began in the late 20
th century, when Japanese filmmakers were examining the use of techniques in animation
from the France, Germany, the United States, and Russia. Though in the past, Anime cartoons was defeated by the
foreign animators and was poorly treated. By 1980’s it further developed a new
genre “Mecha” and with creative storytelling and character development that made
separation from the works of the Westerners. That even made an impact in their career. With the successions of the Anime development it has further
increased its fans through the years. (
Anime Cartoons is different from Cartoons, according to an anime enthusiast Michael
Kateregga he said due to same endless stories of saving the universe from many
anomalies that westerners have in their cartoons(i.e. Spider-Man and
Batman). Protagonists who had been favorite superheroes for decades until this present
time they still are the best and ever changing production becomes more
exciting and thrilling to the audience. On the contrary, Anime is
different it has an epic level when it comes to storytelling. As to
viewers they watch them encounter difficulties and how they handle their
rivals and their life struggles as a regular person before the story
ends. (
Anime attraction has made its way in the Philippines. Currently Anime fandom in Philippines's culture are increasing. Starting the involvement in learning more of Japanese's cultures, Japanese's language, Manga, Cosplay, Anime figurines, Anime Conventions, and Game Development. Until the Otaku term turn out to be an all out trend for people who are mostly interests is in anime even though in Japan its called as a "geek".
Anime has effected the lives of Filipinos. Currently it has affected their hobbies and culture. Since Anime can now be available in broadcasted anime television series and internet-based with fansubs.
Since Anime cartoons are popular from different countries in the world. Otaku term has been an obsessive case in most countries. The part how absurd Otaku are taking part in Conventions and Cosplay with money on the line. Especially when it comes in collection of Mangas, Games, and Anime Figurines. That made Anime a bad influence for the youths. What if there are critical reasons for this affected cases? Therefore these bad influence doesn't come as a concern for budget constraints but for the effects of desirable for anime.
"This is the crux in the wheel that turns anime. Each series tells you
the story of a man, woman, boy or girl, the state of their life as it
is, and throughout the tale, you get to watch them change. This is what
attracts the anime fan – and what usually has me dishing out more cash
than I have business paying – to see what fate lies ahead for our
heroes, how they will face the obstacles ahead of them and the resulting
impact."-Micheal Kateregga an anime enthusiast.
There are perspective of Otaku s that anime has been a one of a kind entertainment. Although there are challenges that are to risk when it comes to limitations. Therefore, having an understanding about the positive and negative effects of being an Anime cultured person.
This research paper focuses on the effects of Anime Cartoons in the Philippines culture.
B. Statement of the Problem:
This study aims to answer:
- What are the effects of anime cartoons in the Philippine Culture?
C. Significance of the Study:
Anime enthusiasts: This research will benefit Anime enthusiasts in learning more about the Philippine's culture involving in Anime Fandom. Including the good and bad effects facing the lifestyles of being an Otaku in their culture.
Parents: This can involve folks on understanding on how anime effect the culture of the children these days. Which can be a guide in helping them limit their addiction towards Anime.
Future Researches: This research can be recommended for future researchers who are interested in learning this study. Since the beneficial information are given it can be help as a guide for their study.
D. Scope and Delimitation:
This study focuses on the effects of anime in the Philippine Culture. Anime has been internationally popular from different countries.
So this study without hassle, will just focus on a specific country in their local culture with involvement of Anime cartoons. Therefore with the continuing popularity of Anime in the Philippines it will be more significant.
E. Materials and Methods:
This research will be based on the articles about anime and its impact internationally to the viewers. Since the researcher aims to let the readers know the effects of Anime cartoons in the Philippine's culture. A descriptive method will be recommended since there is a need of explanation in the process.
Next Surveys will be conducted for anime addicts in the Philippines. Relevance that its focusing on how they undertake a life as an Otaku in their daily lives.
F. Definition of Terms:
Otaku. is a Japanese term called "geek" in Japan though for most countries it's pride for Anime lovers.
Manga. a Japanese term called "comics" in Japan.
Anime Conventions. A gathering for Otaku's that has many events such as Cosplay Competitions and honor guests(Japanese bands ).
Cosplay. A combined term of Costume and Role play.